Enhance Magazine | Page 7

member spotlight Though rare, Kelly does sometimes find herself lacking a little in motivation. When she does, she merely adjusts her way of thinking. She tells herself to “put on my shoes and run a mile and see how it goes.” She then repeats this process for each additional mile. Instead of feeling like she’s spending time away from her family to train, she has found a way to balance spending time with them and doing what she loves. After a good run or workout at HAC, Kelly can often be found sharing a meal with her children or watching them play in the maze. She has also gotten her nieces and nephews to start training – some even participated in the Delaware Relay Race alongside her! Kelly has participated in numerous races and won numerous awards – she’s even sponsored by New Balance! Some of Kelly’s most notable accomplishments include beating the Delaware State Record for the marathon in her age group in 2006, competing and winning the Vermont Marathon in 2010, and winning the Rehoboth Marathon in 2009! The big one though, was Kelly’s participation in the Boston Marathon (a goal for many runners) in April 2016. Although it was difficult, she qualified by a landslide! When asked if she ever “hit the wall,” (what runners often refer to as the moment during a long distance run where you suddenly feel like you cannot physically continue), during the Boston, she said she never did – she reported feeling well prepared both mentally and physically, and attributes that to HAC Master Personal Trainer, Dina Saitis, whose classes Kelly takes on a regular basis. “One of Dina’s classes is harder than a marathon!” she said in jest. Kelly says that a major component in the way Dina teaches is that she leads by example. She keeps a very upbeat, fun and positive vibe when training her clients, and Kelly said that she aspires to be like her. Dina was able to change the way Kelly looks at working out and was able to change her outlook on running. “Training with Dina has become not only a physical component to my weekly workouts, but an emotional one as well. She truly cares about not only my running goals, but my entire well-being. Before any weight is even lifted, Dina asks, “How are YOU?” Her ability to assess exactly where I am at that moment is extremely important to me. “Dina’s small group classes and training in general have blended strength-training, flexibility work, and plyometric moves. Incorporating these types of exercises has kept me injury free and stronger than ever. As a trainer, Dina asks me to leave my comfort zone on a daily basis. Her intense and creative workouts push me in a way that I never thought possible. Her ever-changing plans keep me on my toes, and ultimately make me a stronger runner. “Dina leads by example. Due to her commitment to her clients, I am becoming the best version of myself. I’m a stronger runner, teacher, wife, and mother. Finally, training with Dina has helped me find a balance in my life, and I consider myself extremely lucky to have achieved that goal.” While Kelly knows that distance competitions are her strong suit, with the help of Dina, she’s decided to try her hand at a new style of competition – a Spartan Race in New Jersey next month with over 70 of her closest HAC friends and Dina all competing with her! While nervous to take on the challenge, she’s confident she’ll be ready to go by the time Dina’s done with her! Training with Dina has helped me find a balance in my life, and I consider myself extremely lucky to have achieved that goal. enhance magazine | SEPTEMBER 2016 7