Enhance Magazine November 2017 Enhance | Page 42

did you know Make Your Own Luck The popular ladybug is often used as a symbol of luck in America. Though it isn’t a symbol of luck in Chinese culture, it’s color is – you’ll see lots of red around Chinese New Year, as it’s used to symbolize luck, happiness, and joy. In August of this year, Mavis L. Wanczyk of Massachusetts won the biggest undivided lottery jackpot in US history. That’s what we’d call luck – for no apparent reason other than chance, she was granted an unbelievable amount of money when a series of numbers aligned in her favor. Ancient Chinese culture, on the other hand, defines luck differently than this context we are familiar with in the west. They believe there exists three areas of luck that influence our lives. by Kristin M. Wistar 1 HEAVENLY LUCK The first type of luck in Ancient Chinese culture is your Heavenly Luck. This is our life purpose, our destiny, and our natural gifts and talents we were endowed with. Some call it fate and might argue that our Heavenly Luck is set in stone, but others believe it is influenced by the other two-thirds of luck in our lives. 2 HUMAN LUCK The second is your Human Luck. This equates to how we choose to live, and we have control over this type of luck based on our actions. Are you putting your gifts and talents to good use? Are you challenging yourself to grow and expand, or are you playing it safe and staying where you’re comfortable? Are you taking care of yourself by getting enough sleep, exercising, and eating healthily? As you work on bettering yourself, you increase your Heavenly Luck. 3 EARTH LUCK The last type of luck is your Earth Luck. This relates to where you live, where you work, and how the natural forces in those environments impact you. This is where Feng Shui comes into play as well as the state of your relationship with your 42 HACHEALTHCLUB.COM environment. Do you see your home as safe haven or sanctuary? Are things going smoothly and opportunities coming your way? Does your space support your values and the direction you want to go in life? Do you feel something is off in your space and you can’t quite figure it out? Are you struggling to make ends meet? CHANGING YOUR LUCK Ancient Chinese culture believes that positive Feng Shui can change your luck and, in turn, change your life. You may have been born with health problems, but a home enhanced with Feng Shui can support better opportunities to increase your health. You may be destined to be financially abundant, but Feng Shui may increase your money luck faster. Or, you may have noticed that ever since you moved into your home, your luck seemed to change for better or worse. While it may feel random, it is possible that you are being influenced by the predecessor’s energy or bad luck within that home. This could mean you need to energetically clear the space and realign your home’s energy. Once you become aware of what needs balance in your life, you can put the puzzle pieces together and see where things need to shift. Feng Shui can be as easy as making small adjustments. These small adjustments add up to better opportunity in your life. They help to improve and correct your odds. It might be why the Chinese call it ‘luck’. A great way to visualize this is to think of redirecting the law of attraction into a building. When the house is aligned with the earth and the life-purpose of those who live there, it creates a foundation of good luck or opportunity which, in turn, helps the outcome of your Heavenly Luck. Your home becomes a three-dimensional springboard for a better life. By connecting to your heart’s desire and consciously aligning your actions and thoughts to your vision, you shift your Human Luck and your Heavenly Destiny. When your home also supports your vision, you’re maximizing the benefits within all three luck areas and putting yourself on the path to the best life you can live. Kristin M Wistar has been creating beautiful interiors since 1990. In recent years, she has added Feng Shui and Dowsing to her practice of interior design. She creates from a conscious heart-felt design system for your home or office to attract more of what you truly desire in life.