Enhance Magazine November 2017 Enhance | Page 38

workout P R E PA R I N G F O R THE BUD/S Water Portion Swimmer’s mantra: “There is no off season.” by Jack Siebold, Certified US Masters Coach Let's talk about swimming – swimming is probably one of the best exercises for all-around fitness. It provides both an aerobic and a resistance exercise that conditions and strengthens most muscles in your body. That being said, strength out of the pool doesn’t easily translate to strength in the pool. It’s important to spend some time building your strength and endurance in the water before jumping in “dry” on competition day. When should you get started? NOW! In order to comfortably complete the "swim" portion of this event, it's time to get started right away. GETTING STARTED You will need a pair of good goggles, a swim suit, and for those with longer hair, a swim cap if desired (HAC provides everything else you'll need, like fins and kickboards). Start slowly – you can begin anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes in the pool for your first few swims. Don't worry about counting laps / lengths at this point; the time in the water is more important than distance in the beginning. Do easy "sets" when you are starting out. HAC’s indoor lap pool and outdoor pool are 25 yards long. You should begin with something simple such as 12 (lengths) x 25 (yards) stopping to rest every 25 yards or (1) length. One length is called a “25.” This can be a combination of kicking (with fins and kick board), WO RKOUT ONE 2-ROUND CIRCUIT: KICK: 2 lengths rest 10-15 seconds after each set FREESTYLE: 2 lengths rest 10-15 seconds after each set YOUR CHOICE: 2 lengths rest 10-15 seconds after each set With adequate rest, this should take approximately 15 to 20 minutes. That is 300 yards or about two thirds of the way to the 500-yard swim in the BUD/S challenge. To build up the endurance you’ll need for the event, you should plan on being in the water two to three times a week up