Enhance Magazine March 2018 Enhance | Page 49

did you know metal Michelle Pfeiffer The Perfectionist The metal element has a focused, refined energy. Perfectionism, elegance, meticulousness, and discernment are metal’s qualities. The clothing style of metal is refined, stylish, polished, and put-together. COLORS: White, pastel, metallic such as gray, silver, copper TEXTURES: Smooth, shiny, shimmering, and polished PATTERNS: Dot, scrolled, arched SILHOUETTE: Hourglass, figure-eight, curved lines FABRICS: Metallic, sateen, shantung, jacquard JEWELRY: Metallic, round or oval shaped, and shiny earth The Peace Maker The element of Earth represents stability, grounding and security. Qualities of the Earth are reliable, responsible, nurturing, committed and conforming energy. This clothing style is traditional, casual, loose and comfortable. COLORS: Beige, brown, warm reds, orange, yellow TEXTURES: Coarse, wooly, nubby PATTERNS: Boxy patterns, checkered, horizontal lines or plaid patterns SILHOUETTE: Bulky, square FABRICS: Flannel, muslin, raw silk, tweed JEWELRY with crystals or stones and square shaped CELEBRITY: Oprah Winfrey Oprah Winfrey wood The Pioneer Tiger Woods The Wood element is associated with East, the rising sun, spring time, and renewal. If you’re looking to get a jumpstart on something, start with your outfit for the day! Incorporating the Wood element can give you the extra push in motivation, creativity, vitality, and expansion to get you going. This clothing style is sporty, simple and clean, and refreshing. COLORS: Green and blue PATTERNS: Striped and floral TEXTURES: Crisp, ribbed, springy SILHOUETTE: Rectangular, columnar, vertical style lines FABRICS: Cotton, linen, corduroy, denim, seersucker JEWELRY: Shapes that are columnar, anything with trees or leaf patterns CELEBRITY: Tiger Woods Kristin M Wistar has been creating beautiful interiors since 1990. In recent years, she has added Feng Shui and Dowsing to her practice of interior design. She creates from a conscious heart-felt design system for your home or office to attract more of what you truly desire in life. enhance magazine | MARCH 2018 49