Enhance Magazine January 2018 | Page 26

workout 6 7 (B) SPRINTER STARTS (A) From a standing position, drop right foot back into a lunge. (B) As you come out of lunge position, press through the left heal and explode away from the floor while driving the right knee up. Perform all reps on one side, then switch to other side. POWER JACKS These are done just like jumping jacks, but you drop down into a squat, then explode up to standing. (A) Use your arms to give you momentum as you lift yourself off of the floor. 8 PLANK WITH ONE-ARM ROW (A) Set up in a high plank position, with feet wider than hips. (B) Keeping hips and shoulders level, row 1 elbow back. Alternate sides. (B) Focus on the depth of the squat first, then on the speed of the movement. (A) 9 SKATERS With weight on left leg, push off and land on your right leg in a 1/2 squat. Focus on pushing off from outside leg, landing low and keeping chest lifted. 26 HACHEALTHCLUB.COM And there you have a basic, bodyweight workout that you can do anytime, anywhere. I believe the foundation of lifelong fitness and the primary building block for great form and technique is mastering the ability to move your own body through space. While not all of us will perfect the hand-stand push up, it is important that we each know how to squat and how to push and pull our own weight through basic, functional movements. This will help improve our performance in the gym as well as allow us to move better through our daily activities. For more ideas, check out BodyWeight Blast on Wednesdays at 10:30 am.