Enhance Magazine January 2018 | Page 10

fit tips
goals into the nine aspects of your life . Write at least five in each category . Feel free to write more .
Narrow down the most 4 important goals . In number of importance , rate your top 3 goals , the first being the most important . Once you ’ ve narrowed down the most important goals , stop . . . close your eyes . . . and take a breath .
Transform your goals 5 into real affirmations . Take your goals and make them a reality . Write them as if you already have what you desire . Make your words appealing and inspiring . Write in the present tense , using the words “ I am ” or “ I have .”
When you tune into your higher thoughts , there is no timeline . When you start a thought as “ I am ,” you are manifesting , or attracting , right here and now . Your subconscious mind doesn ’ t know the difference between current time and future time . “ I am so grateful I found the love of my life and am madly in love !” Perhaps something such as , “ I am at my ideal weight and fit perfectly into my skinny jeans !” or “ I am earning more money beyond what I ever imagined !”
Declare and embody .
State each affirmation out loud , and say it with purpose . How does it feel ? Can you hear it , see it , or even taste it ? If it doesn ’ t move you , then make it even juicer , or even more wild .
Think of what would you or others would be saying , once you ’ ve reached this goal . How has your life changed ? Envision how you ’ d feel with everything you ’ ve wanted . Would you jump for joy ? If you received a check in the mail for $ 100,000 dollars , how would your body react ? Would you jump up and down ? Would you open your hands wide and raise your arms up to the sky ? Embody the feelings , thoughts and actions of having everything you want .
SOUTHEAST Wealth & Prosperity
Stone : Amethyst or Citrine
Essential Oil : Bergamot or Frankincense
Symbols : Money tree or lucky bamboo ; fresh flowers / lush plants ; books written by wealthy people
Statue : Lakshmi
EAST Family
Stone : Rose Quartz or Aventurine Essential Oil : Pine , Sandalwood
Symbols : Photos of family and friends ; family crest ; family album
Statue : Family tree
NORTHEAST Knowledge & Self Cultivation
Stone : Green Jade or Green Flourite
Essential Oil : Lemon , Peppermint , Rosemary
Symbols : Owls , inspirational or educational books ; labyrinth ( smooth stones or rock garden )
7 Find symbols for your affirmations .
Your next step is to find symbols or images that represent your dreams . You can also narrow down your affirmations to words , such as clarity , love , wisdom , strength , self-confidence , radiance , perfect health , or abundance .
Start by gathering pictures or words from magazines or the Internet . Write your affirmations on a piece of paper , in red ink . Then , find symbols or decor for your home that represents
an ancient instrument that gives you ways to enhance the different sectors of your life and prioritize what means the most to you .
SOUTH Fame & Reputation
Stone : Citrine or Red Coral
Essential Oil : Bergamot or Frankincense
Symbols : Diplomas and certificates ; joyful picture of couple in their professions
Statue : Golden Globe award
CENTER Health & Unity
Stone : Citrine or Amber Essential Oil : Pine , Sandalwood
Symbols : Bowl of fruit ; hanging amber crystal ; vase of fresh flowers ( not dried ); figure or photo of two people intertwined into one
Statue : Ganesh
NORTH Career & Life ’ s Journey
Stone : Black Obsidian or Black Tourmaline
Essential Oil : Bergamot , Pine , Rosewood , Spruce
Symbols : Objects that represent career aspirations specific to you or your partner
Statues : Quan Yin , Tara
what your affirmation looks like , such as an image of water representing flow and abundance , or a paired figurine representing love .
Find a place for your 8 symbols . Create a visual of your images and symbols to place in your home , office , or on a vision board .
Let your home act as a physical representation of your life ’ s aspirations . Add meaningful artwork , decor , or symbols on your walls and furniture that remind you of your affirmations .
SOUTHWEST Love & Marriage
Stone : Rose Quartz
Essential Oil : Jasmine , Lavender , Sandalwood , Rose
Symbols : Two rose quartz hearts ; artwork depicting love or couples ; two mandarin ducks or peonies
Statues : Quan Yin , Angels , Cupid
WEST Children & Creativity
Stone : Citrine or Carnelian
Essential Oil : Lavender , Rosewood , Chamomile
Symbols : Pictures of children ; artwork ; seeds in a bowl or bowl of white Jordan almonds ; bowl of fruit
Statues : Saraswati , Lakshmi
NORTHWEST Helpful People & Travel
Stone : Clear Quartz , Turquoise
Essential Oil : Lavender , Peppermint , Pine
Symbols : Pictures of people who inspire you or places you ’ d like to travel ; globe or atlas ; travel book
Statues : Angels , goddesses , Ganesh
Place affirming art , symbols , etc . in your bedroom , on your nightstand , your desk , or as your computer ’ s screen saver , where it will have the most impact for you to see it .
You can also create a vision board out of poster board and place a photograph of yourself in the middle . Lay the images around the outside of your photo in the order of the Bagua map and aspirations you identified . Orient the Bagua directions , placing North at the bottom , South at the top , East on left and West on right .