English Mental health and gender-based violence English version | Page 122

112 Preparing a survivor to reunite with her family and social network

Preparing a survivor to reunite with her family and social network

Aim . To consider the assistance that may be required to prepare for the return of a survivor to her family and social network , including engaging helpers and resource persons in the community .
It is important to mobilise resource persons in the community when preparing a survivor ’ s return to the community . It may be valuable to refer to human rights principles and treaties that the state has undertaken to implement . This can show clearly that the violations against the survivor were serious breaches which the state failed both to prevent and protect her from . It is also vital to explain to the community the severity of sexual crimes , their consequences and impact on survivors , and the need to provide conditions of safety and respect if survivors are to reconnect with their lives .
Some of the material here is based on Figure 1 and your version of Figure 6 ( The qualities of a good helper in her society and context ). Community resources that have already been discussed may also be brought into play .
The story illustrates the importance of
• Finding resource people that can be relied on .
• Explaining trauma and responses to it to relatives and members of the community in a way they can understand .
The story may not always fit the circumstances in which the helpers are working . Some survivors may have had to move far away , may be alone , may be denied the possibility of return , or may not desire to return . In such cases , try to adapt the return story to real circumstances .