English Idioms | страница 8

-8- fight like cat and dog : (of two people) be continually arguing with one another. Σξώγνληαη ζαλ ην ζθύιν κε ηε γάηα. when the cat's away, the mice will play : people will naturally take advantage of the absence of someone in authority to do as they like. Όηαλ ιείπεη ε γάηα ρνξεύνπλ ηα πνληίθηα. pull (or yank) someone's chain : tease someone, especially by leading them to believe something that isn't true. Σνπ ηξάβεμα ηα ινπξηά. pull someone's chestnuts out of the fire : succeed in a hazardous undertaking for someone else's benefit. Βγάδσ ηα θάζηαλα από ηε θσηηά. neither chick nor child : no children at all. Ούηε παηδηά , νύηε ζθπιηά … a chip off the old block : someone who resembles their parent, especially in character. Σν κήιν ζα πέζεη θάησ από ηε κειηά. strike (or touch) the right cord : skillfully appeal to or arouse a particular emotion in others. Άγγημε ηελ επαίζζεηε ρνξδή κνπ. clean up your act : behave in a more acceptable manner. Ξεθαζάξηζε ηε ζέζε ζνπ. come clean : be completely honest and frank. Γίλε μεθάζαξνο. join (or welcome to) the club : used as a humorous exclamation to express solidarity with someone else who is experiencing problems or difficulties that the speaker has already experienced. Καιώο ήιζεο ζην θιακπ ! the other side of the coin : the opposite or contrasting aspect of a matter. Ζ άιιε όςε ηνπ λνκίζκαηνο. pay someone back in their own coin : retaliate by similar behaviour. cross your fingers (or keep your Σνλ πιήξσζε κε ην ίδην λόκηζκα. ΢ηαπξώλσ ηα ρέξηα κνπ.