English Idioms | Page 31

-31- work like a Trojan: work extremely hard. Γνπιεύσ ζαλ δνύινο. Uu the university of life : the experience of life regarded as a means of instruction. To ζρνιείν ηεο δσήο. have (or gain) the upper hand : have (or gain) advantage or control over someone or something. Έρσ ην πάλσ ρέξη. Vv a viper in your bosom : a person you have helped but who behaves treacherously towards you. Φίδη ζηνλ θόξθν ζνπ. a voice in the wilderness : an unheeded advocate of reform. Φσλή βνώληνο ελ ηε εξήκσ. Explanation: The phrase was originally used with reference to the words of John the Baptist, who proclaimed the coming of the Messiah: “I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness” (John 1:23). Ww go to the wall (of a business) : fail; go out of business. Έπεζα ζε ηνίρν. walls have ears : used to warn someone to be careful what they say as people may be eavesdropping. Καη νη ηνίρνη έρνπλ απηηά. a war of nerves : a struggle in which opponents try to wear each other down by psychological means. Έλαο πόιεκνο λεύξσλ.