English Idioms | Page 3

-3- more intense, especially by provocative comments. cast (or cut) someone adrift : 1.leave someone in a boat or other craft which has nothing to secure or guide it. 2.abandon or isolate someone. Αθήλσ θάπνηνλ κεζνπέιαγα ή αθήλσ θάπνηνλ ζηα θξύα ηνπ ινπηξνύ. play devil's advocate : take a side in an argument that is the opposite of what you really want or think. Κάλσ ην ζπλήγνξν ηνπ δηαβόινπ. afraid of your own shadow : be unreasonably timid or nervous. Φνβάκαη θαη ηε ζθηά κνπ. ahead of the game : ahead of your competitors or peers. Ο θπξίαξρνο ηνπ παηρληδηνύ ή ν θπξίαξρνο παίρηεο. give yourself airs : act pretentiously or snobbishly. Πήξαλ ηα κπαιά κνπ αέξα. sacrifice someone or something on the altar of : make someone or something suffer in the interests of someone or something else. Θπζηάδσ θάηη ζην βσκό ηνπ … (ζπκθέξνληνο, επηηπρίαο, θέξδνπο θηι. ) keep up appearances : maintain an impression of wealth or well-being. Κξαηηέκαη θαιά. apple of discord : a subject of dissension. Σν κήινλ ηεο Έξηδνο. Explanation : This expression refers to the Greek myth in which a golden apple inscribed' for the fairest was contended for by the goddesses Hera, Athene, and Aphrodite. cost an arm and a leg : be extremely expensive. Κνζηίδεη όζν ηα καιιηά ηεο θεθαιή κνπ. with open arms : with great affection or enthusiasm. Με αλνηρηέο αγθάιεο … armed to the teeth 1. carrying a lot of weapons. 2. heavily equipped. Οπιηζκέλνο ζαλ αζηαθόο.