English Idioms | Page 28

-28- Explanation: The reference here is to a contract supposedly made with the devil by certain people: in return for granting them all their desires in this life, the devil would receive their souls for all eternity. The most famous person reputed to have entered into such a contract was the 16th-century German astronomer and necromancer Faust, who became the subject of plays by Goethe and Marlowe and a novel by Thomas Mann. go your separate ways : 1) leave in a different direction from someone with whom you have just travelled or spent time. 2) end a romantic, professional, or other relationship. Οη δξόκνη καο ρσξίδνπλ. be frightened of your own shadow : be unreasonably timid or nervous. Φνβάηαη θαη ηε ζθηά ηνπ. shake a leg: make a start; rouse yourself. Κνύλα ηα πόδηα ζνπ ή παίμε ηα πόδηα ζνπ. separate the sheep from the goats : divide people or things into superior and inferior groups. Ξερώξηζε ε ήξα από ην ζηηάξη. show your teeth : reveal your strength; be aggressive. Έδεημε ηα δόληηα ηνπ. silence is golden : it's often wise to say nothing. Ζ ζησπή είλαη ρξπζόο. siren song (or call) : the appeal of something that is also considered to be harmful or dangerous. Άθνπζε (ή δελ άθνπζε) ηηο ΢εηξήλεο. Explanation: In classical mythology, the Sirens were sea nymphs whose beautiful singing lured sailors to their doom on submerged rocks. be skin and bone :be very thin. Δίλαη πεηζί θαη θόθθαιν. no smoke without fire (or where there's smoke there's fire) :there's always some reason for a rumour. Γελ ππάξρεη θαπλόο ρσξίο θσηηά. smoke like a chimney : smoke tobacco incessantly. Καπλίδεη ζαλ ηζηκηληέξα. watch someone's smoke : observe another person's activity. Ξέξσ ηη θαπλό θνπκάξεη.