English Idioms | Page 25

-25- everyone has their price : everyone can be won over by money. Όια έρνπλ ηελ ηηκή ηνπο. a Procrustean bed : something designed to produce conformity by unnatural or violent means. Πξνθξνύζηεηα θιίλε. prodigal son : a person who leaves home to lead a spendthrift and extravagant way of life but later makes a repentant return. Άζσηνο πηόο. Explanation: The biblical parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15: 11-32 tells the story of the spendthrift younger son of a wealthy man who leaves home and wastes all his money. When he repents of his extravagant ways and returns home, he is joyfully welcomed back by his father. pull the plug : prevent something from happening or continuing; put a stop to something. Βγάδσ ηελ πξίδα. Pyrrhic victory: a victory gained at too great a cost. Πύξξεηνο λίθε. Explanation: Pyrrhus was a king of Epirus, who defeated the Romans at Asculum in 279 BC, but in doing so sustained heavy losses and lost his finest troops. put something behind you : get over a bad experience by distancing yourself from it. Αθήλσ θάηη πίζσ κνπ. not know where to put yourself : feel deeply embarrassed. Γελ έρεη πνπ ηελ θεθαιή θιίλεη. Qq the sixty-four thousand dollar question : something that is not known and on which a great deal depends. Ζ εξώηεζε ηνπ ελόο εθαηνκκπξίνπ επξώ. quiet as a mouse (or lamb) : (of a person or animal) extremely quiet or docile. Ήζπρνο ζαλ αξλί