English Idioms | Page 22

-22- aim. a necessary evil : something that is undesirable but must be accepted. Έλα αλαγθαίν θαθό. break your neck to do something : exert yourself to the utmost to achieve something, Κόςε ην ιαηκό ζνπ λα ην θάλεηο. a needle in a haystack : something that is almost impossible to find because it is concealed by so many other similar things. ΢ηαγόλα ζηνλ σθεαλό ή ςύιιν ζηα άρπξα get on someone's nerves : irritate or annoy someone. Παίδσ κε ηα λεύξα θάπνηνπ. make a noise : speak or act in a way designed to attract a lot of attention or publicity. Πξνθιήζεθε κεγάινο ζόξπβνο ή έθαλε ην κεγάιν κπάκ. cannot see further than your nose : be unwilling or fail to consider different possibilities or to foresee the consequences of your actions. Γε κπνξεί λα δεί πέξα από ηε κύηε ηνπ. count noses : count people, typically in order to determine the numbers in a vote. Μεηξάσ θεθάιηα. get up someone's nose : irritate or annoy someone. Σνπ κπαίλσ ζηηο κύηεο under someone's nose (of an action) :committed openly and boldly, but without someone noticing or noticing in time to prevent it. Κάησ από ηε κύηε καο. Οο oil and water : two elements, factors, or people that do not agree or blend together. ΢αλ ην ζθύιν κε ηε γάηα. Explanation: Water and oil are two liquid substances that repel each other and cannot be mixed together.