English Idioms | Page 21

-21- that cannot be changed or reversed. come (or spring) to mind : (of a thought or idea) occur to someone; be thought of. Σνλ έρσ ζην κπαιό κνπ. open your mind to : be prepared to consider or acknowledge; be receptive to. Άλνημε ην κπαιό ζνπ. miss the boat (or bus): be too slow to take advantage of an opportunity, Έραζε ην ηξέλν. have money to burn : have so much money that you can spend as lavishly as you want. Έρεη ιεθηά γηα πέηακα. throw money at something : try to solve a problem by recklessly spending more money on it, without due consideration of what is required. Έξημε πνιιά ιεθηά εθεί promise someone the moon (or earth) : promise something that is unattainable. Σνπ έηαμε ηνλ νπξαλό κε η’ άζηξα. if the mountain won't come to Muhammad, Muhammad must go to the mountain : if one party will not compromise, the other party will have to make the extra effort. Αλ δελ πάεη ν Μσάκεζ ζην βνπλό πάεη ην βνπλό ζην Μσάκεζ Explanation: The story behind this expression is that Muhammad was once challenged to demonstrate his credentials as a prophet by summoning Mount Safa to come to him.When the mountain did not move in response to the summons, Muhammad observed that had the mountain moved it would undoubtedly have overwhelmed him and all his followers and that therefore he would go to the mountain to give thanks to God for his mercy in not allowing this disaster to happen. Nn Make a name for yourself : become famous. Έθαλε (ή είλαη) κεγάιν όλνκα. so near and yet so far : a rueful comment on a situation in which you have narrowly failed to achieve an Tόζν θνληά θαη όκσο ηόζν καθξπά…