English Idioms | Page 18

-18- situation. know better than : be wise, wellinformed, or well-mannered enough to avoid doing something specified. Γλσξίδσ κε ην Νη θαη κε ην ΢ίγκα. Ll a labour of Hercules : a task requiring enormous strength or effort. Σηηάλην έξγν Explanation: In Greek mythology, Hercules was a man of superhuman strength and courage who performed twelve immense tasks or labours imposed on him as a penance for killing his children in a fit of madness. After his death he was ranked among the gods. speak the same language : understand one another as a result of shared opinions and values. Μηιάκε ηελ ίδηα γιώζζα. be the last word : be the most fashionable or up-to-date. Σειεπηαία ιέμε ηεο κόδαο. have the last word : 1. make or have the right to make the final decision or pronouncement about something. 2. carry out a final and conclusive action in a process or course of events. Γελ είπα (αθόκε) ηελ ηειεπηαία κνπ θνπβέληα. have the last laugh : be finally vindicated, thereby confounding earlier scepticism. Γειά θαιύηεξα όπνηνο γειά ηειεπηαίνο… take the law into your own hands : punish someone for an offence according to your own ideas of justice, especially in an illegal or violent way. Πήξε ην λόκν ζηα ρέξηα ηνπ. lead someone by the nose : control someone totally, especially by deceiving them. Σνλ ζέξλεη από ηε κύηε. shake (or tremble) like a leaf : tremble greatly, especially from fear. Σξέκεη ζαλ ην θύιιν.