English Idioms | Page 17

-17- ruthless selfinterest will be most successful .

Κ k

handle ( or treat ) someone or something with kid gloves : deal with someone or something very gently or tactfully .
kill two birds with one stone : achieve two aims at once .
kill someone with ( or by ) kindness : spoil someone by overindulging them .
kill yourself laughing : be overcome with laughter .
kiss of life : 1 . mouth-to-mouth resuscitation . 2 . an action or event that revives a failing enterprise .
go ( or be ) under the knife : have surgery .
like a ( hot ) knife through butter : very easily , without any resistance or difficulty .
twist ( or turn ) the knife : deliberately make someone ' s grief or problems worse .
the knives are out ( for someone ) : there is open hostility ( towards someone ).
on a knife-edge ( or razor ' s edge ) : in a tense situation , especially one finely balanced between success and failure .
a knight in shining armour : an idealized or heroic person , especially a man who comes to the rescue of a woman in distress or in a difficult
Σνπ θέξζεθε ή ηνπ κίιεζε κε ην γάληη
Μ ’ έλα ζκπάξν δπό ηξηγώληα .
Σνλ έζθαμε κε ην βακβάθη .
Πέζαλα ζηα γέιηα .
Μνπ έδσζε θηιί δσήο .
Έθαγε ην καραίξη .
Βνύηπξν ζην ςσκί ηνπ .
Ξύλεη ηελ πιεγή .
Βγήθαλ ηα καραίξηα .
ηελ θόςε ηνπ μπξαθηνύ
Ο πξίγθηπαο ηνπ παξακπζηνύ .