English Idioms | Page 15

-15- an unexpected trick in an apparently desperate situation. from the bottom of your heart (or from the heart) : with sincere feeling. Από ηα βάζε ηεο θαξδηάο ηνπ move heaven and earth : make extraordinary efforts. Κίλεζε γε θαη νπξαλό. the heavens opened : it started to rain suddenly and very heavily. Άλνημαλ νη νπξαλνί ή άλνημαλ νη θξνπλνί ηνπ νπξαλνύ. neither hide nor hair of someone : not the slightest trace of someone. Ούηε θσλή νύηε αθξόαζε γηα θάπνηνλ drop someone or something like a hot potato : quickly abandon someone or something. Σνλ πέηαμαλ ζαλ ηελ ηξίρα από ην δπκάξη hot air :empty talk that is intended to impress. Λόγηα ηνπ αέξα house and home : a person's home (used for emphasis). ΢πίηη κνπ ζπηηάθη κνπ Ii break the ice : do or say something to relieve tension or get conversation started at the start of a party or when people meet for the first time. ΢πάδσ ηνλ πάγν on ice : 1.(especially of a plan or proposal) held in reserve for future consideration. 2. (of wine or food) kept chilled by being surrounded by ice. 3. (of an entertainment) performed by skaters. ΢ηνλ πάγν the tip of an (or the) iceberg : the small perceptible part of a much larger situation or problem which remains hidden. Ζ θνξπθή ηνπ παγόβνπλνπ Explanation: This phrase refers to the fact that only about one fifth of the mass of