English Idioms | Page 12

-12- Ff throw something back in someone's face : reject something in brusque or ungracious manner. Πεηώ θάηη ζηα κνύηξα θάπνηνπ. like father, like son : a son's character or behaviour can be expected to resemble that of his father. Σν κήιν θάησ από ηε κειηά ζα πέζεη. catch fire : 1) begin to burn. 2) become interesting or exciting. Πηάλσ θσηηά ή Παίξλσ θσηηά. fish in troubled waters : make a profit out of trouble or upheaval. Φαξεύσ ζε ζνιά λεξά. a fish out of water : a person who is in a completely unsuitable environment or situation. Έμσ από ηα λεξά ηνπ there are plenty more fish in the sea : used to console someone whose romantic relationship has ended by pointing out that there are many other people with whom they may have a successful relationship in the future. Τπάξρνπλ θαη αιινύ πνξηνθαιηέο πνπ θάλνπλ πνξηνθάιηα… die (or drop) like flies : die or collapse in large numbers. Έπεζαλ αθξίδεο. in a fog : in a state of perplexity; unable to think clearly or understand something. Δίκαη ζνισκέλνο. food for thought : something that warrants serious consideration or reflection. Σξνθή γηα ζθέςε ή γηα πξνβιεκαηηζκό. put foot : hurry up; get a move on. Πάξε ηα πόδηα ζνπ. follow (or tread) in someone's footsteps : do as another person did before, especially in making a journey or following an occupation. Αθνινπζώ ηελ πεπαηεκέλε (νδό)… forbidden fruit : a thing that is desired all the more because it is not allowed. Ο απαγνξεπκέλνο θαξπόο