English Idioms | Page 11

-11- do so. what's eating you (or him or her)? : what is worrying or annoying you (or him or her)? Ση ζε ηξώεη; ή Ση ζε βαζαλίδεη; don't put all your eggs in one basket : don't risk everything on the success of one venture. Με βάδεηο δύν θαξπνύδηα ζε κία καζράιε. lay an egg : be completely unsuccessful; fail badly. Κάζνκαη ζηα θαξθηά. at the eleventh hour : at the latest possible moment. ΢ην παξά πέληε … the end justifies the means : wrong or unfair methods may be used if the overall goal is good. Ο ζθνπόο αγηάδεη ηα κέζα. the end of the world : a complete disaster. Ήξζε ή δελ ήξζε ην ηέινο ηνπ θόζκνπ. the eye of the storm : the calm region at the centre of a storm or hurricane, the most intense part of a tumultuous situation. ΢ην κάηη ηνπ θπθιώλα. be all eyes : be watching eagerly and attentively. Σα κάηηα ζνπ δεθαηέζζεξα. close (or shut) your eyes : to refuse to notice or acknowledge something unwelcome or unpleasant. Κάλσ ηα ζηξαβά κάηηα. open someone's eyes : enlighten someone about certain realities; cause someone to realize or discover something. Toπ άλνημα ηα κάηηα. with your eyes open: in full awareness. Άλνημε ηα κάηηα ζνπ. eyeball to eyeball : face to face with someone, especially in an aggressive way. Ήξζαλ κνύξε κε κνύξε