Ending Hunger in America, 2014 Hunger Report Study Guide | Page 8

CHRISTIAN STUDY GUIDE – 2014 HUNGER REPORT SESSION 3: EXPECTATIONS FOR THE COMMON GOOD The Application 1. Read Box 1.2 on pages 44-45 and Figure 1.4 on page 45 (or in the Featured Stories section at www.hungerreport.org). On a flipchart page, make two lists. On one side, list the costs of sequestration mentioned in the sidebar, as well as any others you can think of. On the other side, list the benefits of sequestration and of making federal policy in this way. What do you think of your lists? 2. Review the household budget amounts you identified in Session 2, using the EPI Household Budget Calculator at www.epi. org/resources/budget/. Working 40 hours a week for 52 weeks a year adds up to 2,080 work hours a year. What hourly wage would be required for your households to reach their suggested income levels? Now look at Figure 2.8 on page 76. What would be the effect on your household if the minimum wage had grown in proportion with productivity? The e-connect Find the minimum wage infographic on the Issues page at www. hungerreport.org/issues. Use Facebook and Twitter to share it. Ask your network if someone working full time should have to choose between paying rent and buying good food for their children. What could help change this situation? www.bread.org/institute? iStock ? 2014 Hunger Report? 179 n