Ending Hunger in America, 2014 Hunger Report Full Report | Page 66

There is little hard evidence to support claims of too few workers with the skills needed to meet employer demand for labor. Ingram Publishing 56? Chapter 1 n Moreover, if there were a labor shortage, it’s not being reflected in wage rates. Economics teaches us that if the supply of qualified workers were limited, those few workers who had the desired skills would be able to command higher wages. There is no evidence of rising wages in any sector of the economy.87 Mark Price, a labor economist at the Keystone Research Center, dismisses manufacturers’ complaints about the shortage of skilled workers. “If there’s a skill shortage, there has to be rises in wages,” he says. “It’s basic economics.”88 Employers don’t want to pay higher wages, or more likely they are not willing to fill jobs in a weak economy. Let’s recall what caused the Great Recession and the high unemployment that appears to be its legacy. A housing bubble in the 2000s was driving household consumption. When this $8 trillion bubble burst, it created a demand gap estimated to be between $1.2 and $1.5 trillion.89 The bursting of the bubble and the financial crisis that ensued pushed the country into the deepest recession in 75 years. It is the significant contraction in household spending that is the main reason the economy continues to struggle. In 2012, the gap between what the economy produced and what it could produce at full capacity or full employment was $995 billion.90 Given this yawning output gap, employers are not likely to rush into rehiring workers they let go during the recession, much less think about hiring workers to fill new positions. The skills-gap hypothesis is troubling because policymakers can use it as a convenient excuse for government not to take the lead in job creation. After all, if high unemployment is due to significant skills deficits among U.S. workers, the solution must be education and training. Once workers get the skills they need, unemployment will basically solve itself. But although education and training are generally good things, this is not a workable solution. Policymakers need to help get people back to work as soon as possible. Unemployed and underemployed people can’t wait until some other, vaguely defined group of workers upgrades its skills, and the country doesn’t need to. In the late 1990s, the economy was at full employment—but it was not because large numbers of workers suddenly became more educated and better trained. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the economy must add approximately 90,000 new jobs a month just to keep up with population growth.91 The last two cycles of growth beyond what’s needed to keep up with the population have been fueled by asset bubbles—stocks in the late 1990s, housing in the mid-2000s. The economy now needs to move forward driven by something more sustainable than bubbles. Policymakers should be asking what that something is and starting to invest there. Bread for the World Institute