ENDA Abstracts book Enda Abstract book 16_07_2017_1 | Page 23

Pamela Thompson CEO Emeritus American Organization of Nurse Executives 800 Tenth Street NW US paustinthompson @ outlook . com
Nursing staff bring problems to leaders because they believe it is the leader ' s job to solve them . But , many times , the leader is not the person with the best solution . Nurse leaders face problems that are legitimately theirs to solve but don ' t take the time to adequately explore the depth of the issue to reach the best solution . Action learning is a methodology that creates a time-limited process that facilitates self reflection and problem solving . It is action oriented with a goal to get things done . It is grounded in the relationship between reflection and action . The process includes a series of discussions that focus on an individual , their problem / issue and their future actions . A small group of colleagues with defined roles help the individual explore an issue and come up with an action plan . One key premise is that no one is more expert at solving the problem than the person with the problem . The values that underpin the group ' s work include empathy , trust , and confidentiality . The process has a set of role expectations , ground rules and an order of events . An important skill learned is the power of asking the right question . In this workshop session , the author will describe the process of action learning . Two to three participants will be invited to share a problem and five to six participants will demonstrate action learning techniques to help them come up with an action plan .. Session limited to thirty participants . Session is 1.5 hours
Keywords : Action Learning , Problem Solving , Self Reflection Congress Topics : Connecting , Sharing and Learning in Nursing
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