ENDA Abstracts book Enda Abstract book 16_07_2017_1 | Page 18

Gülfidan Başer, Lecturer KTO Karatay University, KTO Karatay Üniversitesi Akabe Mah. Alaaddin Kap C TR [email protected] Gülfidan Başer, Lecturer Vocational School of Health Services, KTO Karatay University Konya, TR [email protected] Dilek Cingil Assist. Prof. Health Sciences Faculty Public Health Nursing Necmettin Erbakan University, Konya, TR [email protected] DETERMINING THE FACTORS REGARDING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE ATTITUDES AND LEVEL OF AGEISM OF NURSING HOME PERSONNEL AGAINST THE ELDERLY This descriptive study was carried out in order to determine the attitudes of the beam house personnel towards the elderly and the elderly as the elderly care was provided by nurse personnel due to insufficient number of nurses in the nursing home. The study was with 108 people who agreed to participate in the survey. Sociodemographic and study characteristics questionnaire form, Kogan's Attitudes Toward Aging (KOPS) and Aging Attitude Scale (AAS) were used during data collection. The average age of the staff of the nursing home participating in the study is 40.1 ± 7.7. 58.3% of these persons are male, 85% are married and 62% are primary school graduates. The average time spent in the nursing home of the nursing home personnel was 80.1 ± 56.9 months and 91.7% of the nursing home staff had elderly care certificates. Participants have positive attitudes according to KOPS, AAS and subscale scores. KOPS scores vary according to sex and whether they are elderly with their family; AAS scores vary according to gender, level of income, whether there is an elderly person living with the family, additional education outside the certificate for elderly care, the necessity of elderly care education, level of education and problems encountered. There is a meaningful, positive and meaningful low level relati onship between KOPS and the elderly living with the family. Age, education level and duration of employment variables are predictive in determining the change in total AAS scores and these variables accurately estimate 40.3% of total ASS scores. Keywords: Nursing home; Attitude; Elderliness; Ageism Congress Topics: Ethics In The Workplace 16 |