Encantado Magazine October 2017 Issue | Page 15

Health & Beauty

Health & Beauty

( I ’ ll let you keep your wine ... You ’ ve gotta live , right ?)! Not only do they cause acne . They will dry your skin almost as fast as smoking cigarettes . Add a teaspoon of honey to your SULFATE-FREE body wash ! It ’ s not hard to find . I ’ ll suggest your local farmer ’ s market to look for it though . This is super important because SULFATES rip through your skin , making it dry faster , scale in appearance , and they flare up symptoms of eczema , dermatitis , and chapping . Hydrate yourself after the shower or before facing the day topically with the go to skin product of the season , NATURAL JELLY SHOT ! This head-to-toe ointment is chocolaty goodness and works for even burned , damaged , dry , or scarred skin . It ’ s you skin ’ s season to still SHINE , not hide ! Look in the mirror and S M I L E ! This month ’ s top recommendations is NATURAL JELLY SHOT ( especially for dry , cracked skin ) by LEELA ’ S BODY COCKTAILS . No toxic ingredients , including sulfates , parabens , mineral oil , or petroleum ever used ! These items can be found on Amazon or www . LeelasBodyCocktails . com Use my above secrets to keep that glow and let me know the differences you experience !
Call or Email me for further answers or skin health needs . I can help ! Email questions that you would like me to answer and discuss in our next issue .
Skincare Expert ; Mixologist , Ayanna Freeman Twelve years of trial and error , practical application , and international in depth research has brought me to your fingertips ! Also , if you have any skin consultation needs , I can be reached at : HealthySkinIsMyBusiness @ gmail . com