Encantado Magazine Feb 2018 issue | Page 21

the process. Meet featured life coach Eileen Celestina Garcia, her vision is that “everyone lives the life of their dreams filled with freedom, connection and Empower- ment”, and her motto is ‘Dream Big’. Beyond coaching, she serves as the Director for the Community Leader- ship Foundation and is the creator of the Echando Flores program for women. She has coached hundreds of peo- ple over the past eleven years. In fact, Celestina was my life coach and is one of the reasons that I was successful at lead- ing a healthy lifestyle. Her process of setting goals is why I was able to transition into mak- ing healthier choices. true leader and approach to goal setting is unique and results driven. Here a re suggestions when setting goals directly from the master herself. Build 3 action items or practices that support the goal must be Photographer: Patrick Baldonaldo tangible Celestina Garcia things that To pick her brain, I de- cided to sit with Celes- tina and ask her ques- tions about goal setting. During our one on one meeting, I asked her what was the most im- portant things people need to know when set- ting goals. Her response was that goal setting can be used both a catalyst and an anchor. Mean- ing, people can use an inspired goal to cata- pult forward, in addi- tion, when an individ- ual feels like giving up on their goal, they can anchor into the original purpose of the goal. Throughout our coach- ing sessions, Celestina supported me through the times I felt like giv- ing up. She reminded me that simple prac- tices would inch me toward my larger goal. She also supported me to remember my WHY or intention for setting my goal. Celestina is a Photographer: Patrick Baldonado 21