Encantado Magazine 2018 September Issue | Page 70

Written by: Gina C De Baca H ello and welcome to the My life circumstances this year have complete- ly changed my opinion about seeing a doctor. Routine appointments were something I avoided like the plague. I thought praying that God would keep me healthy enough till my kids were adults was the best thing for me. What if something were wrong? Would I want to know? Would I want my kids to know and have to endure a struggle if something were wrong? The short answer is yes. Septem- ber edition of A Better You. The new school year is upon us, so I am sure most of you parents have m a d e health appointments for your children. This month I would like to talk about the self-care that most people d r e a d : I now have a completely different mindset seeing the Doctor. about seeing any doctor. As a matter of fact, I was very anxious to make several appoint- I will be the first to admit that I used ments when I obtained health insurance af- to hate seeing the Doctor. I felt like I ter I lost my father. I had been without health wasted a whole day waiting on hold to insurance for a year and I noticed that a few make the appointment, wait- ing to be things just weren’t right with me. Although called to go to the exam room, w a i t i n g there was this part of me that didn’t want to for the doctor, then of course w a i t i n g know something was wrong, a bigger part of for my prescription. Did I mention that I am me needed to know how to fix it. not a patient person? My first appointment was a physical. I need- If you must make an appointment, chances ed to make sure that my exhaustion was are something is wrong. Either you are ill or caused by grief and lack of sleep, not some- injured, which will automatically dampen thing worse. Most insurance companies your mood, making these visits so unpleas- have a zero co-pay for this appointment be- ant. We must remember that no matter how cause they want you to be seen at least once unpleasant the reason or waiting may be, per year. A physical can be early detection making an appointment to see your health for health issues. This is the best time to be care professional is necessary to begin to honest with your doctor. Doctors have heard heal and feel better. it all. There is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about. They can’t help you if you www.encantadomag.com A Better you