Empowerment Issue January 2018 | Page 7

MADETOLEAD confidence that creates the fear. Including that worry of what other people will think, if it will turn out right, if you are capable of doing it, or if you are even deserving of it. Leading you to question your own abili- ties. This, is where you must let go of that fear through belief in yourself, and in your abilities. You are beyond capable, and deserving of the life your pas- sions will afford you to lead. Continue to affirm yourself, by understanding that what is for you, is for you, and no person can take that away, because 3.CHANGE The saying, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” co- signs complacency. Change is one of the most necessary parts of life, because it is a sign that you are evolving, and evolvement is prepara- tion for your next season. Yes, change is extremely uncomfortable, but you must understand that nothing legendary, life changing or great has come from a com- fort zone. Instead of fearing change, greet it with optimism and excitement, as it is a sign that you are gear- ing up for what’s next. 4. THE UNKNOWN The idea of the unknown can either spark curiosity or fear. Learners are usually the ones who greet the unknown with an interest in understanding more. However, there are some, who believe that there is too much risk in the unknown and the unforeseen. Over the years, I have de- veloped the mott, “Take risks and live life without regrets.” This allows for you to take that plunge, because if you try it and it doesn’t work out, two things happen. The first, is that you know the outcome, and you won’t have to spend the rest of your life dealing with the triplets of regret; shoulda, coulda and woulda. Addition- ally, if it isn’t the outcome you were expecting, you can use that trial to understand how to do it better the next time. The unknown is not to be feared, instead it should be met with curiosity and excitement, as you are getting ready to embark on a new adventure. Fear is taxing and uncom- fortable. Fear is a mental blockade that the extremely successful have found a way to lift. Where I’m headed, I cannot co-exist with fear, so I have vowed to be fearless. Take risks and live life without regrets. made-magazine.com | 7