Empowered Woman Magazine Third Issue January 2017 | Page 17

Patti Cotton

We also struggle more with issues of confidence, tending to accept new projects, initiatives, and situations only if we feel confident in our ability - and based on whether or not we already have experience in that area. The men, on the other hand, will opt for these opportunities based more on their belief about their potential abilities. In this respect, we need to learn from them. Fail fast, and fail often. Take more risks, smaller risks, to move forward. Because to take action is to move forward. If we don't take action, we get nothing. If we take action, however imperfect, we risk to succeed, learning as we go.

12) You've accomplished so much in your career. Can you share some of your business tips for woman?

A) You are being observed as a model for excellence. Walk the talk. Here are some ways to do that:

(1) Learn how to negotiate. Now. Take a course, get a coach. Learn to confront the tough issues, challenging conversations. This is leadership challenge number ONE.

(2) Support your leadership through your talk. Lose the apologetic sentence-starters, such as "I'm no expert, but..." "I'm not good with numbers, however..." "I'm sorry to bother you, but..." Lose this denigrating talk! And "No!" is a complete sentence.

Interviewed by Sharon Nicholas