Empowered Woman Magazine Third Issue January 2017 | Page 12

Patti Cotton

1) How would you define self-limiting beliefs?

A)Self-limiting beliefs are those personal beliefs we hold that keep us from stepping into more of what is possible for us. Examples of this would be "I am not capable, not good enough/competent, imperfect, powerless..."

2) How do you help people get past their personal negative thinking about themselves, their lives and careers?

A) I first pinpoint with a client where that negative thinking shows up, and how. We then define the kind of thinking and language that will be supportive of his or her goals and dreams, and work to reprogram that thinking and self-talk as we work on the behaviors that will get them to where they want to go.

3) With the recent media stories on domestic violence. Why do you think it has taken athletic associations so long to speak out with public statements on

domestic violence?

A) I think the real question is, why haven't significant and influential

groups of all kinds spoken up about it? Not only athletic associations,

but also the music industry, Hollywood, other influential groups that are high-profile and able to set standards. Domestic violence is a crime that is still misunderstood, frightening to address, and not easily identified at times. Taking a stand on this requires education, endorsement, and the courage to take action. If these groups would do this, it would speak volumes to the general public in setting the tone for all.

4) If your were asked to share your best "life lessons" which ones would they be?

Share what you've learned. Was there any good which came from having had bad experiences?