Empire Life Fall 2016 | Page 17

important for them to have mentors, (educational) webinars and people to pour into them outside of school and their parents." Considering that the organization is led by millennials, the founders believe that they are potentially able to relate to the younger demographic on a more receptive level then older teachers and counselors. Positively, the three want to equip youth with the resources that they weren't aware of at their age. A big lesson that the organization's founders would like to pass on is financial awareness, especially when it comes to funding college. "I didn't know what it meant to fill out a FAFSA or what impact it was going to make when I had to take out $80,000 worth of loans," Alexander said. "I get it now and I want to pass that knowledge on and let the youth know they have options." Ultimately, Detroit Speaks is here to empower the city's up and coming generation to encourage them that they do help to reach their goals and dreams. The founders grew tired of the mumbles and grumbles and stood up to say "if not us, then who?" and set out to make the impact themselves. "We all share the same sentiment of being who we wish we had when we were younger," Hughes remarked. "Detroit cultivated us and it's time to pour back into the city." Through programming and initiatives that educate and inspire with use of digital tools in order to reach their participants as they are spread across the country, Detroit Speaks is designing what philanthropy looks like from their own perspective and doing it their way. | EL LEARN MORE ABOUT DETROIT SPEAKS AND HOW TO GET INVOLVED HERE! 17 EMPIRELIFEMAG.COM  | FALL 2016