Emmanuel Magazine November/December 2017 | Page 8

Emmanuel by the grace of a family moment so overwhelming that it satisfied my deepest longing for peace and contentment. The Communion table offers us a walk along the path of heaven’s shores, with views of our eternal home and a glimpse into the moment when heaven touched earth in the purest and most profound way. In the Eucharist, this grace-filled act of love becomes our hearts’ deepest desire as the simplest objects touch our souls in a place no earthly wealth could ever reach. Bread and wine, broken and poured out, are transformed into the very person of Christ, whose body and blood were offered in sacrifice for all our sins. In the act of offering and transubstantiation, we are captured in the holiest of moments as heaven’s satisfaction for sin becomes our greatest gift. Faults Forgiven, Memories Sealed It is the simple joy of being together and building memories as a family that means so much to me. But in those times when tensions flare and we find ourselves at a bump in the road on the journey, it can seem that the beautiful moments are overshadowed by pain and division. But then a short drive in silence to give us time to cool off leads to reflection and reconciliation, and we find ourselves wrapped up in in the sweet surrender of fellowship where harsh words spoken too quickly give way to laughter and warmth once more. There is power in those Smartphone camera shots of pancake breakfasts and crispy chicken dinners. There is joy in recalling a funny moment from the past that allows us to laugh at our humanity. And there is contentment in knowing that the within the arms of our family there is a safe place where our flaws are forgiven and our strengths can be celebrated with joy. In the Eucharist, we are part of a family of faith where we are accepted despite our faults and frailties, where brothers and sisters encourage us to be all that we can be in Christ, and where together, as the people of God, we are strengthened by grace for our earthly journey toward heaven. In this shared experience, we meet the one who walks the road of life with us, touching our lives with his perfect presence. As our Holy Father has said: “Jesus, this evening . . . gives himself to us in the Eucharist, shares in our journey, indeed he makes himself food, the true food that sustains our life also in moments when the road becomes hard-going and 362