Emerging Markets Business Summer 2016 | Page 87

EMB The Universal Secret to HIGH-PERFORMING CULTURE BY LINDSAY MCGREGOR   & NEEL DOSHI A staggering 90% of business leaders believe that culture is one of their most critical assets, but most admit to not knowing how to systematically build and maintain a high-performing one. The challenge may seem more daunting as our world becomes a tighter-knit village; as the head of a multinational recently asked us, “How do I create a great culture that extends from Nigeria to Malaysia to Peru?” First, we must agree on what culture is. Until now, culture has been treated like a perks arms race o r a set of feel-good words memorialized on walls and mouse pads around an office. In reality, culture is the sum of systems and processes that people must interact with in the course of their work. This ecosystem matters because it tells your people why they should work: “Should I create this financial model because I enjoy solving analytical puzzles or because I don’t want to disappoint my manager?” Through our new research into what fundamentally differentiates the highest-performing companies and people from the rest, we discovered that why we work determines how well we work. Interestingly, this rang true for employees worldwide. Regardless of background or nationality, performance is a product of your motives, which in turn, are a product of culture. But not all motives are created equal. EMBreview.org  85