eMates eMates 4th Issue May 2017 | Page 18

Toyen (1902-1980) Toyen was a Czech painter, illustrator and member of surrealist movement. Born Marie Čermínová, she later in life took her pseudonym Toyen. Toyen started her carrier in the 1920’s in Czechoslovakia, but later relocated to France, to be more exact the centre of art – Paris. While she still was in Czechoslovakia, she joined art group Devětsil. She mainly worked with another famous Czech painter Jindřich Štýrský. This group exhibited her and her friend’s work. Toyen and her most famous paiting titled Sleeping | Photo: Museum Kampa http://www.artplus.cz/cs/aukcni-zpravodajstvi/1/top-10-toyen (K.Š.) Sources: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:King_P%C5%99emysl_Otakar_II_of_Bohemia_-_Alfons_Mucha.jpg https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Toyen1930.jpg https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:The_Slav_Epic?uselang=cs#/media/File:Mucha_Kouzlo_slova_Slovanska_epopej_Praha_6265.JPG 18