eMates eMAtes - 3rd issue | Page 11

One day , they had an operation . They saved Ceyda BALABAN in the operation . Because Ceyda was taken as a prisoner by ISIS . Ceyda is a journalist . And she takes lots of photo with events . At last special soldiers saved Ceyda . But Ceyda didn`t go and she stays with special soldier .

IMDB : 9.9

I can`t tell anything more . Because you should watch this film . I watched that film . And I think every person should watch this film . Because this film shows real and hard life . When I watched film , I was deeply affected .
Written by Beyza Hamdiye Güner
Deniz is the person who lost his mother in the 1980`s coup . After 7 years he goes on a journey a farm of his grandfather who he has never seen him before . He has never seen his grandfather because his grandfather and his father were not talking for years . Hüseyin Efendi sent his son Sadık to study in school but he learned his son involved in political events so he disown his son . After all Sadık turn back to his father`s home because he had to leave from his son Deniz . So Sadık entrust his little son to his father . Literally Deniz find himself in the middle of a freak family . Grandmother was the person who