eMag Ipso Facto numéro 2 eMag1 | Page 9

There are lots of differences between Italian food and Czech food . Italian people eat pasta almost every day and have less vegetables than Czech people . Italian people do not eat sweets as a main dish . Italians eat their dinner later than Czech people . Czech people usually eat their dinner at about seven o ´ clock and Italian people generally eat their dinner at half past eight . A difference between French food and Czech food is that French people eat more cheese and drink red wine . French people eat soup only in winter . In Finland people eat more fish and vegetables than people in Czech do .
Traditional dishes in Czech Republic : Let ´ s introduce the most popular dishes . For soup Czech people usually eat garlic soup ( česnečka ) or chicken broth with noodles ( vývar s nudlemi ). After soup Czechs eat roast pork with dumplings and cabbage ( knedlo-vepřo-zelo ) or beef with tomato sauce with dumplings or pasta ( rajská omáčka ). A typical Czech desserts are buchty , koláče and bábovka .