eMag Ipso Facto numéro 1 We-are-what-we-eat_1-2-3 | Page 5

FREE LANDS FOR A FREE WORLD Fighting “Ndrangheta”to start a new life M.Viale, A.Auramo , M.De Luca, A.Chiarella, A.Giacobbe, E.Gentile The social cooperative “TERRE JONICHE” was born on January 31th 2013 thanks to the dialogue between “Libera” association and the “Prefettura di Crotone”. from Ndrangheta. The cooperative TERRE IONICHE-LIBERA TERRA manages land confiscated in the towns of Isola di Capo Rizzuto and Cirò; produces Barley Moka Libera Terra. It is part of LIBERA TERRA MEDITERRANEO, an ONLUS consortium that groups together social cooperatives of Libera Terra, together with other operators who have married the cause. On Thursday 11th January 2018 we visited Isola capo Rizzuto. Near this town there are a lot of grounds confiscated to the MAFIA. We were received by Raffaella Conci (leader of the social cooperative) who explained what they do and the social role of their acting. They use these grounds confiscated from mafia to start up factories and farms. Despite the difficulties generated by organized crime, this association succeeded in starting a company and running it. All the pictures come from cooperative association "Terre Ioniche" and this is the "memory garden". 3