Elucid Magazine Elucid Magazine 2013 | Page 86

BIBI MCGILL Rockstar unleased What´s been your experience as an allfemale band member?
 Hmmmm? It’s been extremely powerful and inspiring, not only to young girls and women but to young men and men and people from
all different walks of life.  It’s been incredibly powerful and inspiring for me as well.  The energy coming off the stage with women behind
the instruments is different and refreshing from what we’ve been told.  It’s not so much ego based but is comes more from the heart. 
 Working with top stars such as Beyoncé and Pink sure have been amazing achievements. How did it all start? I started playing guitar when I was 12 and studied music for 4 1/2 years at the University of Colorado in Denver.
My family always supported me playing music.  After getting my Bachelors of Science in Music: Scoring and Arranging,
I moved to Los Angeles where I worked really hard for many years.  Finally in 2001 I got the gig with Pink.  After Pink
I toured with Paulina Rubio and La Ley.  In 2006 I got the gig with Beyonce and have been with her ever since. 86 ELUCID MAGAZINE SUMMER 2013