Ellington Youth Services Prevention Newsletter Prevention Newsletter Fall 2017 | Page 6


is still the most commonly used and misused drug in this country.



A 2015 Connecticut survey showed that one in three high school students use alcohol. The data shows that American girls often will have their first drink at age 13 and boys will start as early as 11 years old. Of the high school students who used alcohol within the past month, almost half reported drinking 5 or more drinks of alcohol IN A ROW at least once during the past month.

Consequences of Underage Drinking

Problems in school, physical and sexual assault, higher risk of suicide and homicide can all result from drinking. While out and about and drinking, alcohol-related crashes and other unintentional injuries can occur.

Health Dangers of Underage Drinking

Some research has shown that heavy drinking at this age, when the brain is still developing, may cause lasting impairments in brain functions such as memory, coordination and motor skills. Alcohol is a major factor in automobile crashes. Drinking can also lead to sexual assault and alcohol poisoning. Because alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, drinking too much and too fast slows some bodily functions such as heart rate, blood pressure and breathing to a dangerous level.

What you can do to prevent underage drinking and other risky behavior:

Talk Early and often with your child- establish and maintain an open line of communication. Get into the habit of talking with your child every day. This will make it easier when it comes time for conversations on serious topics.

Get involved - Talking with your child about his or her activities is a chance for you to share your interests and values.

Be a role model - Think about what you say and how you act in front of your child. Your own actions show our children what is appropriate and acceptable in your family. Don't take part in illegal, unhealthy or dangerous practices related to alcohol, tobacco and drugs. If you do, your child may think it's okay for them to do it, even if you tell them not to.

Teach kids to choose friends wisely - Help your child understand what qualities to look for in a friend.

Monitor your child's activities - Know where your children are and get to know their friends. Limit the time children spend without an adult present. Join them at events like concerts, graduation parties, beach outings and other gatherings. Unsupervised children have more opportunities to experiment with risky behaviors including alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs.

Set Rules - Make clear, sensible rules for your child and enforce them with consistency and appropriate consequences.