Elite Online Mag Elite 87 | Page 68

Welcome Fishball, how are you? Hey! I’m fine thanks! Seriously though, we’re so thrilled to have you in Elite. Did you have fun shooting for us? Yes I enjoyed the experience so much! It was really fun to shoot with you! There were so many laughs! What is like to grace our cover for the first time? It’s a honour! I’ve been following the magazine for a long time, I was so excited when we planned our shoot. I was so impressed before when I saw the cover of Riae for the first time so I couldn’t wait to shoot for you! You always seem so effortless on camera, is it hard reinventing yourself for new features? It’s not so hard, I shoot every day. For me it’s actually not so hard to try to do stuff for new features and interpret different situations. Every time of the year seems exciting for you. You’re always up to something. When is your chill time and what do you get up to? I really don’t have a lot of chill time, usually I take a break in random periods of the year going to warm places or to my house in the south of Italy. 68 www.eliteonlinemag.com