Elite Online Mag Elite 87 | Page 208

Welcome to Elite Gaming! What are you playing at the minute? Dishonoured 2, Battlefield 1 and Dark Souls. How long have you been gaming? When I was a little girl, I used to watch my dad play games, I loved watching him play Doom on the N64 for some reason, then he got me my own console and games, I was about 5 when I first started to game. What’s the first game that made an impression on you? Zelda Ocarina of Time. It’s still my all time favourite game to this day! I have never got bored of playing it despite completing it at least 20 times. When I first started playing it, my dad got called into school several times because I used to wonder off at playtime into the woods saying I was “looking for the deku tree” haha. What’s your platform of choice? Well I’m a console gamer. I play a little PC gaming, but I do prefer my consoles. Xbox One is my main choice followed by PS4. How do you prefer to game? Lying on my bed or comfy on the sofa is always a win for gaming, but I never remain that way for long. I somehow always end up closer and closer to the TV until I’m right in front of it leaning in some strange, uncomfortable position. If you could bring back any classic videogame / franchise, what would it be? Well they already remastered Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask on 3DS and FF7 on PS4 for me so I pretty much got what I wanted there! Crash is coming soon too which is just awesome! So I think maybe a remastered/remake of Pokemon Stadium would be really cool! I’m not really fussy because to be honest, I prefer just playing the classics. 208 www.eliteonlinemag.com