Elite Online Mag Elite 83 | Page 22

So Miss Deadly Red , did you enjoy your shoot for Elite ? I had great fun with my shoot for Elite , it was a super chilled out fun shoot . We got some awesome shots and listened to some awesome old school gangster rap !
You are from Portsmouth , does this mean you are the poshest model we have featured ? I wouldn ’ t exactly call Portsmouth “ posh ”, anyone that ’ s been there would understand ! But I don ’ t have a typical Portsmouth accent ( which I ’ m mocked profusely for ) because my parents are from Surrey and Nottingham , so I have a bit of a non-descript accent !
If you can travel anywhere else in the world , where would it be and why ? If I could travel anywhere I would probably go to New Zealand , because the scenery is so beautiful , so many of my favourite films were shot there and it would be incredible to just have a bit of an explore !
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