Elite Online Mag Elite 83 | Page 219


Brighton-based silly boys Bloody Knees are beautifully grunge and chaotic . They have classic riffs with some naughty twists and vocals which make you feel a bit tingly . Like a lot of bands with their sound , their lyrics are perfect for those days when you need some self-reflection and self-loathing ; Bury Me is pretty perfect for that . With some trippy videos and two EPs under their belt , there is plenty for you lamenters and headbangers to wrap your ears around .
Idles namecheck Mary Berry four times in their punk banger Well Done . Why would you need any other reason than that to love them ? The truth is , Mary Berry or no Mary Berry , Idles are a rad punk band that you need to pay attention to right now . Giving the middle finger to all that is wrong with the world , Idles are a band to spit with in anger , passion and excitement . They ’ re loud and brash and their debut album Brutalism , due March 2017 , is set to bury itself in our brains . So get excited now because things are going to get wild with Idles .
In the past few years there has been a pop punk explosion worldwide . New bands and old have been releasing killer records and embarking on crazy tours , both of which have resurrected a sleeping genre . It ’ s hard to stand out amidst such a boom but WATERMEDOWN has that magic spark . His vocals are whine-tinged just the way we like things in 2016 and his melodies are perfect for dancing to between moshing . He has a vulnerability to his music that is charming and his passion for his art is infectious . For “ just another kid with a guitar ” he ’ s pretty special .
Words by Alice Hoddinott
www . eliteonlinemag . com 219