Elite Online Mag Elite 83 | Page 165

On a scale of one to ten , how good looking are you ? Haha . Well , let ’ s just say if a guy I ’ m going out with says I ’ m anything less than a 10 , he ’ s dumped . Immediately . But sure , I have flaws , imperfections and insecurities just like everyone else .
If you could model for any brand , product or company , which would it be and why ? Killstar . Because I ’ d love to work with Haris Nukem and Ashley N Joncas .
What would you like Elite readers to take away from your pictures in our illustrious mag ? Sheesh ! She looks nice ! But , I bet she doesn ’ t take any shit . Better not piss her off ... haha ! I ’ ll keep that one sweet , yeah , I ’ ll be on my very best behaviour !
Describe your perfect photoshoot : Edgy , arty , dark and beautiful .
How do you stay in such modelly perfect shape ? Exercise ? Diet ? Good genes ? Or luck ? Yoga .
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