Elite Online Mag Elite 82 | Page 71

Photographer : Tripodski
It was clear from your feature you have a great figure ! Where does that come from ? Do you have to work for it or is it just good jeans / genes ? Haha , good old fashioned vegan diet and running around like a headless chicken . My body is a bit of a bastard and it tends to let me down a lot so being able to go to a gym regularly is difficult . I have kettle bells at home and that ’ s about as close to lifting as I ’ m gonna get .
Someone once asked me to describe “ cool ” in two words and I said Bea Dux . You ’ re a definite icon of just generall amazingness too . Do you see yourself as a cool person ? Woahh , that ’ s a strong claim ! But a lovely one , thank you . It depends how you define cool , really . Going by MY definition I ’ d say I was cool , yeah . But I know a lot of people would think I ’ m a dork . Or just a tosspot .
What are your favourite memories from your amazing modelling career so far ? Shooting in several countries , essentially beginning my travels of the world thanks to my career . I ’ ve always been struck with wanderlust and being able to visit countries I ’ ve dreamt of thanks to my job is pretty amazing .
Inspiration is important to you , be it music , film or books . What is inspiring you at the moment ? You ’ re bob on with that . I tend to waffle a little too much about how important I think it is to find inspiration in whatever you can . Without sounding too much like a fucking hippy , be it architecture or a leaf you saw crumpled on the floor that made you want to paint , it ’ s all expression and I find that so important . Art enhances your life , regardless of medium . At the moment I ’ m being inspired greatly by the people around me . The determination of some of my friends is astounding and empowering .
Are you a homebird or someone that prefers a night on the town ? Home bird . Don ’ t get me wrong , I LOVE a good party . But I ’ d much rather be at home with popcorn , by a roaring fire with a record playing in the background .
It ’ s been a pleasure Bea . What are you up to after this interview is done ? I was just looking at flights to Paris so I think I ’ ll look at booking a little get away ... or raid the fridge for hummus . I ’ m sure there ’ s some in there somewhere .
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