Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 01 | May 2016 | Page 9

It’s been said that we spend a third of our lives sleeping, although I’m not sure that’s true nowadays in our 24/7 technology-driven culture.

And we spend a third of our lives working – really more than that by the time we factor in getting ready time, commuting time and work time outside regular office hours.

Between the two, there’s not a lot of time left for living life, it seems.

Work stress sucks up a lot of our time and energy, and if you’re not doing work you love, it’s draining you even more.

And the 24/7 technology-driven culture that’s sucking up some of our sleep time? It’s extending our work time, too. It’s all too easy to “quick check” something or “quick text” someone way past the end of the workday. And it’s equally easy to stay plugged in right through breaks, right through lunch and even before the day starts

Even if your work isn’t primarily computer oriented, everyone’s putting in screen time – checking email, texting, shopping online, checking a website (yours or a competitors) and more. And that’s not counting all the screen time spent conducting personal business.

We get so screen focused we lose track of time, lose track of good health habits, lose track of ergonomics…and the lines blur between work time and non-work time every day until it’s a never-ending stream of always on.

How can you get back into a healthier balance with your work?

Take a break from the screen and build in some great self-care habits throughout the workday:

Begin the day with a few morning rituals that nourish and balance you – write in a journal; do some yoga or exercise; meditate; spend a quiet few minutes with someone(s) you love; have a healthy breakfast, sitting down not as you run out the door; read a daily motivational book; walk the dog.

Make your workspace inviting – add color, photographs, flowers, things that make you smile. If you’re in a place where it won’t disturb others, music and aromatherapy are also great additions.

Be sure to stay hydrated and limit caffeine – too little water or too much caffeine dehydrates not only your body but your brain and makes it much harder to focus.

Move around periodically – pay special attention to your neck, shoulders and lower spine as this is where we store tension most often, and it’s where we cause physical strain when we don’t sit or stand ergonomically as well as when we perform

We get so screen focused we lose track of time, lose track of good health habits, lose track of ergonomics…

and the lines blur between work time and non-work time every day until it’s a never-ending stream of always on.

Healthy Workday


by Kat Tozier