Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 01 | May 2016 | Página 14

From Point A to Point A

It's early morning. The pheasant is perched on the old fallen birch tree log thumping his chest. I turn on the kitchen light before starting the tea kettle; a dollup of honey and a tea bag is added to a themos mug. While the water heats, I load the kayak into the back of my truck and strap it down.

Headlights cast shadows into the pockets of the washboard road ahead. Dust follows me to the boat launch.

It's cool enough I wear a sweat shirt; warm enough I cannot see my breath. I arrive before the fishermen.

Ripples break the silence as I skim across the mirroring surface and to my favorite spot to drink tea and watch the sunrise with a blue heron.


Water's Grand

One benefit of kayaking on a lake versus down a river is that you put your boat in at point 'a', and when you're done, you return to point 'a'. There's no need to worry about parking a car down river.

14 | ElementsForAHealthierLife.com | May 2016