ELE Times PDF 1 Nov 2016 | Page 57

Have You Got the Spotlight ?
Power Electronics
converter , we assume that these tasks can be completed within
converters . In all this , we also have to consider that the power
twelve days , plus an additional three days for certification . At
supply is normally the very last component tackled in the design
labour costs of around CHF 750 per day , and including average
process . For their new products , companies are thus well advised
expenses for materials and the use of the test lab , the overall
to carefully evaluate whether they want to face the risks
savings are now reduced to CHF 20,000 – assuming that
associated with the internal development and production of
everything goes to plan !
DC / DC converters .
In reality , manufacturers must be prepared for some hiccups , especially with regard to the complex topic of EMC . It is therefore only prudent to include at least one redesign per converter , which translates to six additional working days plus waiting time for lab testing . At this point , the savings are reduced to a few thousand Swiss francs , while the launch of the diagnostic device is already delayed by about eight weeks !
Fig . 4 : More and more developers opt for fully certified DC / DC converters such as those of the E series from RECOM as they often provide the cheaper option .
Manufacturers opting for ready-made DC / DC converters from
specialist suppliers benefit from shorter development times , free
Fig . 3 : Testing at the EMC lab reveals whether the product meets the limits set by the certification standard . RECOM customers can have their
up internal resources , and avoid the risk of failing the EMC tests or certification procedures for their end products . Thanks to mass
products tested at the RECOM headquarters prior to the official
production , the prices of converter modules have also come
certification .
down over the past few years , so that internally designed
converters are hardly ever a viable option today , even for largevolume
Such delays must obviously also be taken into account as they tend to come at a price ! If the product has a long service life and the manufacturer is well ahead of the competition , a delay of a few months might not be detrimental . Companies who must make up for lost terrain with an attractive new product , will ,
products . Companies might also face the problem that their young engineers are not fully familiar with analogue technology , which is another good reason to trust the specialist manufacturers of ready-made modules . We predict that , in a few years , purchasing converter modules from
however , face an uphill battle . In our example , a delay of eight
specialist suppliers will be as common as it is now for operational
weeks corresponds to around three percent of the calculated
amplifiers and other logics components . Do-it-yourself will just no
service life . Based on a linear calculation , we are looking at a loss
longer be viable !
of revenue of just below CHF 1.5 million !
At this point , it becomes obvious that , for high-volume items ,
* For readers who wish to know more , we recommend the
running the risk of a delayed market launch is not worth the
DC / DC Book of Knowledge by Steve Roberts , which can be
potential savings that can be made with discretely manufactured
downloaded from www . recom-power . com .
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ELE Times | 57 | November , 2016