The students of Mathematical Sciences and Natural Science Baccalaureate of Mohamed Abed Eljabiri High School in Oujda city joined an environmental morning on the occasion of the “COP 22” which was held in Marrakech city, under the slogan "البيئة لا تتكلم لكن تنتقم" which means “The Environment Does Not Talk, It Takes Revenge”. The environmental school activity took place on Friday, November 18th, 2016 which coincided with the Moroccan Independence Day holiday.

Under the supervision of physical education teachers, the students decorated the walls of the high school with

drawings calling for respecting the environment and working together in order not to damage it.

I shall also mention that the "ORA" drawing techniques have a large effect on the psychological side of the students. The logo meant: organization, liability and independence.

Along with all the joy and happiness which immersed the place, the ultimate goal of this initiative was to devote the whole morning to a sincere hope for a clean environment. This will surely help a smooth integration of the students in society.

By Mohammed Zammouri 2nd year Maths, read and rectified by Mimoun Zeggai (Mr)


COP 22