El Fray Juliano Tercera Edición digital | Page 20

Our place, our country

We are the second country in the world with the greatest biodiversity, the only one in Latin America that limits with the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean (in Choco) and, ironically, this port is one of the poorest and least developed zones of our territory.

The great thermal advantage that Colombia has can be evident by its moorlands, beaches, exclusive Colombian species, etc. Besides, we are the third coffee producers and the ones with the best quality. This makes us wonder, are we truly taking advantage of our potential? And, in the case we are not as powerful to rule over our recourses; do we really know anything about ourselves, about our culture?

Even though it seems unbelievable, there are Colombians who do not even know basic things such as Colombia´s Independence Day or the official tree. Our point here is, if we do not know about our culture, who else is going to do it? Ignorance is the cause of all evils, but there is something worse, and that is being ignorant by choice. It seems that we do not want to learn about the things that surround us because we think they are boring and we take an apathetic side regarding what is ours. Consequently, two situations can be seen from this lack of knowledge, the fact of repeating the history or representing the country in a wrong way; many places have a bad perception about us, however, we do nothing to change it.