Ei11 Updated Ei11_WEB_FINAL | Page 66

63 THE HE A LTH OF THE M A RINE E N V IRONME NT H AS A LWAYS BE E N A N IMPOR TA NT DUT Y OF CA RE ISSUE FOR E DMISTON. WE RECOGNISE TH AT E V E RYONE H AS A CAUSE TO WHICH THE Y FE E L IMPASSIONE D A ND A DE SIRE TO DIRECTLY A FFECT CH A NGE . CONSIDE R OUR FI V E INITIATI V E S A ND CHOOSE WHE RE YOU WA NT TO M A K E A DIFFE RE NCE . Edmiston wellness A PROGRAMME FOR CLIENTS, COASTLINES, FISH AND THE OCEANS BLUE SPHERE FOUNDATION PRINCE ALBERT II FOUNDATION Blue Sphere is focused on halting the destruction of The Foundation’s initiatives include the planting of a trillion threatened marine species and their habitats. They believe trees, improving waste management on small islands, the in direct investigative action and activism evidencing the conservation of endangered species, combating ocean overfishing of tuna, the plight of West Papua’s threatened acidification and increasing marine protected areas. biodiversity and mapping out a blueprint for eco-resorts. www.fpa2.org.bluespherefoundation.org www.fpa2.org